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If you really want to inspire your students or employees to believe in themselves, trust and have confidence in their ability to make choices that align with their values, be able to motivate themselves and lead with confidence… the key is to first be aware of what inspires them, and second, give them the freedom to share it with your school, your organization.  Words are incredible motivators.  Invest time in speaking with them… and listen, really listen.  The key to inspire them is finding the ‘reason’ why they happen to be where they are.

Our speaking engagements (in person or online) are based on our Choice Life Approach™ process and structure.  An approach based on nurturing our self-care ability by developing our self-leadership ability.  Your audience will learn an approach supported by life-changing skills.  Skills that will serve them for life.  An approach that…

→  nurtures their self-care ability:  their ability to make choices that align with their values, build the courage to develop their self-love, self-worth and self-reliance, and welcome changes in life as opportunities to grow as a person;
→  develops six key self-leadership qualities: their self-esteem, self-respect, self-trust, self-confidence, self-motivation and self-determination;
→  strengthens integrity, respect, fairness and transparency which inspire engagement, collaboration and teamwork;  
→  improves interpersonal and communication skills which help develop problem solving skills and adapt to change management;  
→  develops time management skills which welcomes creativity,
innovation, and increased productivity. 

Looking for an engaging speaker? 

Christine is driven by her passion to inspire people to reconnect with what she refers to as their ‘heart and soul’.  

Her approach creates a forward momentum that inspires people to get reacquainted with the power behind accomplishing their goals and actualizing their aspirations in life… the benefits of nurturing three facets of their self-care ability by developing six key qualities of their self-leadership ability. 

Her insights and tools help to distinguish the difference between choices that are made based on our own values – principles we live by, and those that come from empowering or limiting beliefs, as well as their impact in our daily life, and their affect on the outcome of our life. 

She demonstrates how our thoughts and our self-talk (proactive or reactive) affect our choices, behaviours, actions, and the efficacy and resilience of our boundaries.   Learn more about her ©Choice Life Approach™ process.



Self-leadership is our ability to consciously influence our thoughts and behaviours towards achieving our goals and actualizing our aspirations in life.  Self-leadership is essential for creating meaningful and fulfilling moments and experiences that lead to living a fulfilling and happy life.  

This presentation is about developing six key self-leadership qualities in order to establish the freedom required to create a meaningful, rewarding and happy personal and professional life.  We address the following qualities:  self-esteem, self-respect, self-trust, self-confidence, self-motivation and self-determination.  


Our self-care ability is the practice of taking an active role in nurturing and safeguarding all three facets of our own well-being → self-love, self-worth, and self-reliance.  Self-care is essential in inspiring individuals to become more of the person they know in their heart and soul to be.   It is pivotal in living a fulfilling, passionate and purposeful life.  

This presentation is about nurturing all three facets of our self-care ability → our self-love, self-worth and self-reliance.  It invites individuals to welcome change as a constant in life in order to grow, evolve as a person by creating healthy behaviours and safeguarding them with powerful and effective boundaries that enables us to achieve our goals and actualize our aspirations in life.  


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Ottawa, ON, Canada

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