Our logo… an antique key with three rings, each representing a different facet of your
ability to self-care – to nurture your self-love, self-worth, and self-reliance, was chosen as a symbol that you personally hold the key which opens the door to the joy that resides within your heart and soul.
Our company’s name… ©Heart & Soul Coaching and Retreats®, was chosen to express that helping people reconnect with what makes them feel and be happy in life, comes from my heart and soul. It is my team and I authentically, passionately and joyfully living our purpose in life.
We thank you for letting us inspire you to believe in yourself and in your own power to create what makes you feel and be happy in life: your ability to self-care. Self-care simply means to take care of nourishing all facets of your ‘well-being’ – your self-love, self-worth and self-reliance. This means to have total faith and trust in your own wisdom and strengths. It also means accepting to develop your weaknesses by strengthening key qualities of your self-leadership ability: your self-esteem, self-respect, self-trust, self-confidence, self-motivation and self-determination. These are your abilities to choose to develop the courage you need to create meaningful and rewarding experiences that lead to living a fulfilling and happy life.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with us.
We’d be happy to provide you with answers.
While Heart & Soul Coaching and Retreats™ respects all genders, faiths, organized religions, atheism, agnosticism, we simply come from an unbiased perspective. Our intent is to offer information of a general nature through our tools, techniques, events, experiences, products and services to help people with their search for well-being… the freedom to create what makes them feel and be happy through life.
The advice found on this website is not to be used as a form of treatment for medical, emotional or physical problems. Always seek the advice of your physician.
All information and photos, Choice Life Approach™, booklets, charts, designs, coaching events (workshops and webinars) on this website are copyright – all rights reserved, the property of Heart & Soul Coaching and Retreats® (also referred to as Heart & Soul throughout our documentation) unless otherwise indicated may not be used, reproduced or copied without the consent of Heart & Soul Coaching and Retreats® and Christine Beauregard and Peter Zvalo.
Some photos and designs of artwork by Anna Serrao are copyright – all rights reserved, the property of Anna Serrao and unless otherwise indicated, may not be used, reproduced or copied without the consent of Anna Serrao.
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